Gmail does a pretty good job of classifying messages via its smart "Categories" option, but sometimes it will misfile emails. There are two ways you can solve this issue: globally or individually.


If you don't want to check each category for misfiled messages from Petoskey accounts, you can create a filter that will tell Gmail to always classify messages from our district as "Primary."

1. Open your Gmail account.

2. Click on the "Show Search Options" button.

3. Adjust your search criteria as shown below and click the "Create Filter" button.

4. Adjust your filter criteria to reflect the options below, and then click "Create Filter."

Once the filter is set up, all messages from a "" email address should appear in your primary inbox.


You can also reclassify messages individually.

  1. Open your Gmail account.
  2. Switch to the tab with the incorrectly classified messages (e.g. Promotions).
  3. Drag the message you wish to reclassify to the "Primary" tab. 
  4. Gmail will ask if you wish to always categorize messages from that particular sender as "Primary."